Luck Be a Lady Betelle

As satisfying as it is to find an elusive publication, photograph or news item I had been looking for, even more thrilling is finding material I wasn’t looking for. I had a lot of this recently.

essex-club-1928.jpgLast week I came into posession a stack of letter between Betelle and Pierre S. duPont regarding the schools he had designed for Delaware (thanks, John!). In one letter, Betelle sent duPont an issue of The Architectural Forum from 1928 that had illustrated one of the schools. Naturally, I had to see it. So I went to the Boston Public Library and sat down with the whole set of 1928 Forums. I found that picture, but along with it a were a mountain of new photographs, plates and articles by Betelle. One standout was a photograph and plans of the Essex Club from 1928.
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“Delaware School Architect Celebrates”

This article was among the morgue clippings of The Newark Evening News, but given its slightly Delaware-centric bias, I don’t believe it’s from that paper. It isn’t dated, so my best guess is it’s from sometime between June and August of 1930, about the same time as other articles noting the 20th anniversary of Guilbert & Betelle. There isn’t much new here, but it does represent the most complete direct quotes from Betelle so far (portions of which had been reprinted in the Time Magazine article).

Delaware School Architect Celebrates
James O. Betelle Marks 20th Anniversary of His Noted Firm

One evening twenty years ago, a young man was sitting in his attic office over an art shop in Newark, N.J., trying to figure out how his partner and himself could keep their business going.

It was apparent to James O. Betelle, native Delawarean, that he would have to do without wages so that needed draftsmen and other expenses might be kept going. That was back in 1910.

The young man in question had previously left a noted firm of New York architects where he was employed, because he could not see why he could not be successful in business for himself when so many other architects had succeeded in their chosen field. He also realized the difficulties encountered by people starting business in the great city with little capital, even if they did have great ability and unlimited energy. It was for that reason that Newark NJ loomed so bright in the eyes of the young man.

So to Newark he came. He had met Ernest F. Guilbert in the office in which he had worked. Both men decided to go into partnership, There was little, if any capital possessed by the two men. However, what they did possess was courage and ability and the great will to work.

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New Science Hall, Lincoln University

In 1925 Betelle designed a new science hall for Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. The November, 1926 edition of the Lincoln University Herald described the structure, as well as outlining the needs for campus expansion. The Herald listed Guilbert & Betelle as the school’s “Official Architects”, but they would eventually design only a boy’s dormitory and a facility for “underground steam & electric services”:

lincoln-science-hall.jpgNew Science Hall. A new Science Building, of which the corner-stone was laid at the Commencement in June, 1925, has now been completed and is being used by the departments of Chemistry, Biology and Physics. The building is a three-story structure of brick and Indiana limestone, designed by Mr. J. O. Betelle of Guilbert & Betelle, Newark, N. J., and erected under the supervision of Mr. A. J. Taylor, Chief Engineer of the Delaware School Auxiliary Association of Wilmington. The ground floor is devoted to Physics, the second floor to Biology, and the third floor to Chemistry. The building, which is said by experts to be a model of its kind in both design and construction, cost a total of $82,500, not including the equipment. Of the above amount $30,000 was given by the General Education Board, New York; $12,000 by Alumni of the University; $7,500 by Mr. Pierre S. duPont, Longwood, Kennett Square, Pa., covering architect’s fees and engineering supervision; $5,000 by the Presbyterian Board of Christian Education; and the remaining $28,000 from Trustees, Faculty and other generous friends of the University from nearly every state in the Union. The building has been fully equipped and furnished at a cost of $10,000, which was raised by special subscription.


Needs. Under the direction of the Board of Trustees, the official architects of the University, Messrs. Guilbert & Betelle, educational architects of Newark, N. J., have prepared an elaborate plan for the enlargement of the plant of the University to accommodate an enrollment of 500 students. The enrollment this year of 304 is an increase over the attendance in any previous year, but this increase has been at the expense of crowding in the dormitories far beyond the limit of comfort and convenience. The erection of a New College Dormitory is immediately needed and is recommended to our benevolent supporters and friends of the Christian education of the Negro as an attractive investment, promising a maximum of usefulness. A large dormitory could be filled at once from the worthy applicants, increasing in number each year, who have to be turned away for lack of room.

The June-July 1925 issue of the Herald reported on the corner-stone laying ceremony, which Betelle attended, and included a photo of the hall still under scaffolding:

luh-1925-cover.jpgOn account of threatening weather it was decided to lay the cornerstone of the Science Building before the Commencement exercises in Livingstone Hall. It was stated that alumni had given about $12,000 of the $82,500, the total cost of the Science Building. During the exercises a check for $500 was handed to the presiding officer to help pay for the equipment of the building. The donor was Dr. Robert B. McRary, ’85, Baltimore. The architect of the building, Mr. J. O. Bettelle [sic], Newark, N. J., and the engineer, Mr. A. J. Taylor, Wilmington, Delaware, were introduced to the audience. The address was made and the cornerstone laid by Dr. Joseph H. Odell, president of the Delaware School Auxiliary Association, who explained that Mr. Pierre S. du Pont regretted that he had been called away at the last moment and could not be present. All expenses connected with the design and supervision of the erection of the building are being defrayed by Mr. du Pont.

The Marshall School, South Orange, New Jersey

The Marshall School, 1930

One of the most important contracts for Guilbert & Betelle were the schools of the South Orange and Maplewood School District in New Jersey, where they would eventually design all of the new school buildings up through 1930. The creation of the first school they built, The Marshall School, (named for retiring Board president James Marshall), was significant for both Betelle and the District.

In 1920 the District, under the direction of George E. Low, Chairman of the Building Committee, began an aggressive building program to meet the needs of a rapidly expanding student population. The existing buildings were cramped, hazardous (there were numerous fires over the years) and ill-equipped.

This was not a new realization, and indeed a number of strategically located parcels of land had already been tentatively selected for schools a number of years before. One of these, on Grove Road in South Orange, was determined to be the best location for the first school.

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“A Great Architect”

This article appeared in the October, 1929 issue of Fortune Story magazine. Fortune Story was a 15¢ pulp magazine filled with these kinds of up-lifting, moralistic tales aimed at impressionable younger readers. The only new information it garnered was G&B’s first office being “in an attic room over an art store”, but the writing is so colorful I couldn’t resist sharing it.

Fortune Story Magazine


Fortune Story Magazine, October, 1929 Vol. 27, No. 3

From a two-dollar-a-week office boy to the position of America’s foremost designer of schools is the record of James O. Betelle. The secret of his success can be found in the old formula of hard work plus perseverance which all must follow who seek fame and fortune.

The son of parents of humble circumstances, Betelle had to leave school at the age of sixteen. But the youth early decided to become an architect, and made up his mind that he would provide himself with the best possible education for his chosen work.
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